Friday, June 11, 2010

Exposition! (Part Six)


I had to.

My dream girls are Keira Knightley and Zoe Saldana. I'm pale and blond, but I have a thing for brunettes and girls with a darker skin tone. Really, the ultimate girl would be a mixture of the two (dark girl from London). Anyway, the main reason I've fallen hopelessly in love with them is because they rock. They are themselves. They don't care what people think. And they refuse to fall into the stupid girl mold.

I hate it when I see my girl friends try to be someone they're not for a guy. I guess we can't all be Chad Kings. Just kidding. But dudes, let's be gentlemen.

And Emma Watson gets an honorable mention for being smart and truly down-to-earth.

1 comment:

  1. "Dudes, let's be gentlemen."
    my favorite qoute of the day.
