Monday, June 14, 2010

Exposition! (Part Seven)


I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession. I want to stress that I am not a pedophile. I simply think that babies are cool. They're like little people. Plus, I look forward to becoming a father someday (not anytime soon, and don't worry - I took Theology of the Body).

Alaina (who I still haven't introduced) is terrified of babies. I often remind her that she was once a fetus, but she remains unmoved. The movie Babies came out about a month ago, and it could quite possibly be the greatest film to ever grace the earth. However, I would never know because Johnstown doesn't get good movies. And because I won't be driving to Pittsburgh anytime soon, I guess I just have to wait for the DVD.

I also find pregnant women incredibly attractive. No doubt, this blog will include reports of baby/pregnant lady sightings.

And one more thing...
All these years, I never realized that Demi Moore was the cool chick in Ghost.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so worried.

    don't talk about me like that.

    and Theology of the Body? You're throwing that around, boy.
