Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Goodbye Rain

This morning, I woke up early to go for a run. It poured (and even lightning was involved). However, I did not mind. In fact, I absorbed as much rain as I could. Tomorrow, I leave for L.A. I will not see rain again for at least three weeks.

I'm heading to L.A. because I got a scholarship to attend a two-week digital film camp at UCLA. While there, I will also spend an extra week with my cousins to explore and visit colleges- USC, LMU, and Chapman.

This will undoubtedly be the biggest adventure of my summer, and as I ran around the travel section of Wal-Mart earlier today, the excitement set in. Hopefully, I'll find some time to blog while I'm with my cousins. If not, I'll write about all of my adventures when I return to Johnstown.

Tonight, I'm hanging out with Alaina and our peeps. For now, I should go pack. I haven't started yet.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3!

For a late Father's Day gift, I decided to treat the family to a movie-going experience. The outing came with a price tag of $53 which is ridiculous, but it was probably only the second time that my whole family went to the movies together.

Anyway, Toy Story 3 was awesome! The movie opened up with an exciting reintroduction to the characters. I couldn't help but smile because I can still remember going to see Toy Story 2. Seeing Woody and other characters I grew up with on the screen was like a rebirth of my childhood.

The new Toy Story was interesting because I am now in the same boat as Andy as he heads off to college. I guess it's not all bad though. I started to gather together things for my California trip tonight, and I'm pretty excited. The message of Toy Story 3 was being able to move onto the the next chapter in your life. It also had a strong sense of family (which may bring a tear to your eye). I don't know what lies ahead, but I have my friends and family who will always be there for me, which is exciting in itself. Summer adventures, here I come.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

What Kind of Stories do I Want to Tell?

Yesterday, I went out to lunch with a few friends. While we were waiting for our food, my friend Megan (who looks like she could be my sister) turned to me and asked me what kind of movies I wanted to make.

I didn't know.

Ryan and I watch the Next Food Network Star on Sunday nights. Last week, a girl went home because each time the judges asked her what kind of food she wanted to make, she didn't have a clear answer. We felt bad for her. I don't want to be that girl. I need to find my film voice.

Really, I have plenty of time for self-discovery. I have always admired directors like Danny Boyle and Steven Spielberg because they manage to work in many different genres, but still tell great stories. That's what I want to do. I'm up for anything as long as there is a good story involved. I want to tell stories that inspire and entertain - stories that matter to me.

The only things I can definitely rule out are slasher films and depressing suicidal movies (unless they have a point).

But to me, the story, the characters, and the people (both those who help make the film and those who watch it) are the most important things.

From there, why can't I make horror movies, thrillers, action extravaganzas, romances, comedies, and family dramas? In fact, who says I can't mix them. Horror meets romance. It's all up to me.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Facial Hair Count

I realize this is a gross picture, but Alaina insisted that I do a dark facial hair count (and I secretly enjoy it).

Anyway, I believe the count was 26. As of now, I have 26 dark hairs on my chin, and each time I shave, that number increases. While I do not believe that facial hair makes a boy a man, it certainly helps a boy look like a man.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Live Spontaneously

Today, I woke up early and broke my daily routine.

First, I finally learned how to brew my own coffee. This epiphany is both beautiful and terrifying. Only the future will reveal the consequences.

Then, brother bonding day began. Together, Ryan and I trekked to the Beginnings building. Beginnings is a wonderful non-profit organization that helps children in need. Ryan and I are on the Jr. Board. We volunteered to help prepare the new newsletters for mailing. 1,500 newsletters. Fold. Stick. I'll be going through those motions in my sleep.

After six hours of the fold-stick process, we made up stories about the people in Central Park, ate at Coney Island, attended the film festival (the films were pretty awful), made disgusting frozen food, and even storyboarded for a future short film (this is where the pictures come from).

Today was crazy and hectic, but I actually had fun. Ryan and I went with the flow and made our own fun. So, there's the advice I want to give people. Wake up tomorrow and forget your daily routine. Live compulsively for once. Do what you feel like doing (without breaking any major laws). And most importantly, have fun in whatever you do.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Exposition! (Part Ten)

Meet Ryan.

Oh goodness.

He's my brother - three years younger than me. I felt obliged to include him because he plays a pretty big role in my life. We often argue, but he too is my partner in crime. Together, there's nothing we can't do.

I come from a family of six - mom, dad, me, Ryan, Tyler, and Addison (who is girl in case you were wondering - I have met boy Addisons). We're crazy, but we're family.

Exposition! (Part Nine)

Meet Alaina.

My Bonnie.

I didn't ask for her permission to do this, but I don't think she'll mind (too much).

To set the record straight, we dated for about three months freshman year. We ran cross country together, and I thought she was cool. Unfortunately, I was awkward and weird, and she was adventurous. Plus, I was terrified of her.Not to mention, I still had a baby face (as evidenced in the picture below).

But then last summer, we reunited. Together, we live for summer days, sunsets, and thunderstorms.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Exposition! (Number Eight)


I love oreos.

I also like Cookies n' Cream ice cream, chocolate oreos, deep fried oreos, and anything else that inloves America's favorite cookie. I don't know what it is, but they've stolen my heart.

Exposition! (Part Seven)


I have a bit of an unhealthy obsession. I want to stress that I am not a pedophile. I simply think that babies are cool. They're like little people. Plus, I look forward to becoming a father someday (not anytime soon, and don't worry - I took Theology of the Body).

Alaina (who I still haven't introduced) is terrified of babies. I often remind her that she was once a fetus, but she remains unmoved. The movie Babies came out about a month ago, and it could quite possibly be the greatest film to ever grace the earth. However, I would never know because Johnstown doesn't get good movies. And because I won't be driving to Pittsburgh anytime soon, I guess I just have to wait for the DVD.

I also find pregnant women incredibly attractive. No doubt, this blog will include reports of baby/pregnant lady sightings.

And one more thing...
All these years, I never realized that Demi Moore was the cool chick in Ghost.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oh These Summer Nights...

Last night, after returning from the Catholic Men's Conference, I met up with my sweetheart Alaina (you'll meet her later) and my brother Ryan (you'll meet him later too). Together, we headed to Rey Azteca, the local Mexican restaurant where Alaina and her amazing mother are employed.

I tried the coffee for the first time. It was delicioso! Rey Azteca coffee is brewed with cinnamon, and I recommend it. We also feasted on chocolate chicken and discussed all of life's great difficulties. Throughout the night, I was playing with a small container of half-and-half. Right before leaving, I squeezed a bit too tightly. It exploded all over myself and the window.

After dropping Ryan off, I joined Alaina at her house. Sprawled out on her bed with her rowdy dog Hercules, we watched Adventureland on her two-inch television.
We loved Adventureland! It's helmed by the director of Superbad Greg Mottola. Except unlike Superbad, he actually wrote Adventureland. It's a sort of memoir of his teenage years. While Adventureland has its moments, it is not nearly as vulgar as Superbad. Instead, it's more sweet and real in an almost John Hughes sort of way. I boycott Twilight, but Kristen Stewart and all the other actors were awesome.

Not to mention, it takes place in the 80s, has a killer soundtrack, and involves Kristen Wiig (reason alone to see it).

After the movie, the night sort of turned reflective (and almost depressing). I guess that life is just strange, yet beautiful. Everyone makes mistakes. The key is to fix them - and then savor those truly special moments - even if they are as simple as a small TV, a boy, a girl, a movie, and a dog.

So, if you've been putting off seeing Adventureland (which has been out forever), change that. Until then, turn up your volume and jam.


Driving Gary Beuke

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled program.

For today, I have to forget the exposition because yesterday is worth talking about.

Yesterday, I awoke at the butt crack of dawn, skipped a cross country long run, and went to a Catholic Men's Conference with my new friend, Gary Beuke. Gary has been a member of my church for years, and I seem to run into him at every public event I attend. He is instantly recognizable, not because of his disability, but because of his cheerful personality and bright smile. A couple of weeks ago, my brother and I helped him move out of his apartment and into a retirement community. He then asked me to join him at this conference.

I felt like I was in the film Driving Miss Daisy, but Gary actually drove the car. The conference was held at the JFK Student Center at St. Francis University. The program had some entertaining speakers who shared good messages, and I met some interesting people even though I started to get antsy toward the end of the day.

After the conference, I helped Gary walk as we visited some old friends at the University cemetery and took a stroll through the awesome Sunken Gardens in Loretto, PA. We then trespassed on Franciscan property; however, we ran into Richard and Nate, who I know from an awesome summer camp. They are in the process of becoming Franciscan brothers. They had Saturday night off and were getting ready to go see The A-Team (go figure). It was nice to talk to them. We discussed filmmaking, Catholic production companies, and of course, the movie Bella.

For whatever reason, it seems as if all Catholics must love Bella (it has a "pro-life" message). I find the film to be pretty. I also think the star Tammy Blanchard is beautiful and gives a great performance. Still, I ultimately find the movie to be too depressing for my taste.

If you want a much better pregnancy movie, check out Juno. Bleeker and I could be best friends.

All in all, the day was really worthwhile. Gary is one of those rare people who can teach you a heck of a lot about life if you simply listen. I am blessed to know quite a few of these people. He wants me to join him for lunch some summer day.

I look forward to it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Exposition! (Part Six)


I had to.

My dream girls are Keira Knightley and Zoe Saldana. I'm pale and blond, but I have a thing for brunettes and girls with a darker skin tone. Really, the ultimate girl would be a mixture of the two (dark girl from London). Anyway, the main reason I've fallen hopelessly in love with them is because they rock. They are themselves. They don't care what people think. And they refuse to fall into the stupid girl mold.

I hate it when I see my girl friends try to be someone they're not for a guy. I guess we can't all be Chad Kings. Just kidding. But dudes, let's be gentlemen.

And Emma Watson gets an honorable mention for being smart and truly down-to-earth.

Expositon! (Part Five)


Okay. Now that all you teenagers have put on a fresh pair of underwear, let's talk higher education.

Really, I'm scared too. I know I eventually want to go to film school. Right now, I'm thinking graduate for film, undergraduate for something else. Don't ask me where.

There are days when I think I don't need to go to college. After all, most great directors either dropped out of film school or didn't go at all. I can take some acid and make art. Not really. College is probably necessary. It's the final step before I become completely independent. It's a new adventure. It will be fun.

So this is college summer. In eleven days, I will hop on a plane and head to L.A. for the second time. While there, I'm going to a two-week digital film camp at UCLA and embarking on college visits. I'm going to have a lot more to say about this trip later.

Until then, if you are currently in college mode as well, good luck! The best advice I have is to explore the wonderful world of Google as well as your local Barnes and Noble. Read up on your possible colleges and major.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Exposition! (Part Four)


This is appropriate because I just got back from a run and am still on that natural high. Sometimes running is insane, but cross country just started, and I'm loving it. I feel free.

One goal on this journey of mine is to place in the top ten at Cross Country States at the end of November. That means I have to work this summer.

One more thing... I've earned the nickname of white boy. But I'm trying to add some color to my pale skin. Half of my family lives on the same street. After my aunt next door laughed at me for awhile, she gave me some tanning oil called Worship Me. It smelled good, but I don't think it worked. But who cares? I ran shirtless, and it felt awesome.

Exposition! (Part Three)

I must admit - this blog thing is fun.

The next thing I want to talk about is film. I want to be a filmmaker. Scratch that. I am a filmmaker. I want to become a better one. I want to tell stories. And I want to go to film school. No doubt, much of this blog will be about movies, filmmaking, and college.

What are my favorite movies? They change all the time. But here's what I'm feeling this morning (while I eat my cinnamon poptart).

If you have not seen any of these wonderful films, go load up your Netfilx queue immediately.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exposition! (Part Two)

I live in the small town of Johnstown, PA. It's about two hours south of Pittsburgh. Residents of the fine city agree... Johnstown exists in a bubble, completely separate from the rest of the world.

We are most famous for the 1889 Flood, which wiped out the town and forever sealed our bubble, and a restaurant where people roll hot dogs on their sweaty arms.

Still, I love Johnstown. I wouldn't want to grow up anywhere else.

Exposition! (Number One)

I thought I'd get started right away. Before I go into intense blogging, I want to introduce myself. For those unfortunate enough to have never had a kick-butt English teacher, an exposition just provides background information. Each day for five days, I'll post two interesting things about me. Here goes the first one:

I have been compared to Eric Forman (of That '70s Show!) and James McAvoy.
In reality, I am not nearly cool enough to be James McAvoy just yet (there are some feats I have to accomplish first). It looks like I'll continue to be Eric for quite some time.

Hello World!

Hello! I'm Chad. Nice to meet you. I am a blog virgin, so bear with me. It's my first time.

When I was running the other day, I suddenly had the urge to start a blog. Why? Because I don't know where I'll be in a year and three months (hopefully happy). Having just completed my junior year in high school, I am now entering uncharted territory. I am trekking on a new journey. Soon, I am going to enter adulthood. If there was a Neverland, I'd go there. However, becoming an adult doesn't mean that I have to stop being a kid. If the day ever comes when I cease to be young at heart, feel free to slap me in the face.

So, this blog is going to serve as a journal of sorts. For the next year and three months, I am going to document my life. This will mainly include (but not limited to) the following:

1. My quest to grow facial hair.

2. My attempt to become an elite runner.

3. Film!

4. Getting into college (does the thought make your heart race too?)

I'll also write about any other random thoughts or life experiences that I encounter - such as secrets I acquire from the underground world of girls. Rest assured, there is going to be a fair amount of perseverance, hope, and a little bit of faith involved. So, call this my coming-of-age blog. Most likely, no one will even read this, but I don't care. I'm doing this for me.

Still, let's face it. Everyone, no matter where he or she is in life, is on some type of journey. Because life, after all, is one big adventure. This is a journey that I would like to take with you, and I hope that you will take it with me.

Let's go! It's going to be one wild ride.