Sunday, September 5, 2010

Remember Me?

Remember me? Chad?

I've been out living.

Last week quickly transformed into crunch time as I rushed around like a mad man trying to get my short film actually filmed. Luckily, I have a great crew of supporters and friends. Together, we gathered equipment, went costume shopping, and created shot lists. I drafted my brother Ryan to act in the film. He hesitantly agreed. (I eventually made him dye his hair and even kiss a girl... gasp!). Finally, the one thing that hanged in the balance was a location.

Originally, I had always planned to film on Main Street by Central Park in downtown Johnstown. I wrote a nice letter of request and delivered it to the city manager like I was instructed to do. However, the city manager chick never called me back. For two days, my mom and I pounded her with phone calls and messages.

On Friday - shooting day - Ryan and I marched to city hall and waited outside her office until she returned from lunch... only she never did. She must have taken a four hour lunch break. And she still didn't call me back.

I was pretty ticked. I love Johnstown most of the time, and I can't understand why my city wouldn't help me out. Dear City Manager, why do you have to be such a rude biznatch?

Never willing to give up, I called my high school - Bishop McCort Catholic High School. We were allowed to film in the courtyard for three nights. The first night was hectic, but Saturday and Sunday went beautifully.

I couldn't have asked for better actors. Staring at the viewfinder, I was awestruck because I knew I was a part of something special.

I want to thank everyone... for everything. I had a great crew who went without sleep for three nights. Yesterday, we filmed the last little intro scene. Now all that's left to do is edit. In the next month, I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'll also try to share some pics and videos.

In other news, school started. Ahhhhhhhhh!

After filming Sunday night, Ryan and I jumped awake at six in the morning. He had to go to school for Freshman Orientation, and I had to help out because I'm on student council.

The rest of the week was weird. It feels like summer break was only a short weekend. Every time I walked down the halls, I could hear the Jaws theme song playing in the back of my head.
Dun dun dun.

Still, it's senior year! Whatever that means. I'm going to have fun.

No doubt, things are going to get crazy as I attempt to juggle cross country (first meet on Wednesday), college applications (I started my application for FSU), homework, and this short film.

I'll write about the new adventures coming my way, but I still have some stuff to say about the summer.

Until then, good luck to everyone going back to school. Take art classes! Bye.

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